Mari kita isi blog ini dengan tulisan gak penting lagi (habis lagi gak ada yang mau ditulis). Bagi mereka yang mampir ke blogku demi mencari suatu informasi yang bermanfaat, maaf ya.. . Tidak usah mengklik link ke artikel lengkapnya juga gak apa-apa (tapi sebaiknya diklik aja ). Tapi Insya Allah postingan yang berikutnya setelah ini kembali sarat akan informasi yang bermutu seperti sedia kala (hoek.. hoek.. cuh..).
Kali ini aku kepengen nunjukin mainan-mainan baruku. Sebenarnya udah lama sih pesennya, tapi baru aku ambil kemarin – karena aku dapat kelompok Panum yang mendapat pelajaran PPGD (Penanganan Pasien Gawat Darurat) untuk putaran pertamanya, yang tentunya gak pake alat-alat ini.
Hmm.. pertama-tama yang paling penting yaitu stetoskop. Untuk yang ini aku gak mau kompromi. Pilihanku jatuh kepada Littman Classic II S.E. Tapi denger-denger biasanya nanti kalau sudah masuk ko-as beberapa resident-resident yang gak modal (maaf, ya.. tidak semua resident kok) suka pada minjem. Kadang-kadang sampe ilang. Gak rela deh… jadi kayaknya ntar musti beli satu lagi yang murah aja, misalnya General Care. Tapi untuk Panum musti pake yg sensitif biar dapet ilmunya.
Lalu berikutnya hmm… sphygmomanoter aneroid. Walaupun kalah dalam segi akurasi dibandingkan dengan yang air raksa, aku tetep milih aneroid aja karena alasan mobilitas (mudah dibawa). Tadinya tertarik dengan harga murahnya merek ***Med. Tapi kata temen-temen cepet rusak. Akhirnya aku ngikut temen-temen yang pada beli merek ABN.
Terus… penlight buat ngintip-ngintip yang gelap-gelap sama untuk ngetes reflex pupil untuk ngecek apakah seseorang masih hidup (semoga jarang menghadapi yang seperti ini). Aku gak merhatiin merek, tapi dari bentuknya aku suka yang energizer.
Berikutnya termometer digital. Aku juga gak merhatiin merek, mereknya ini apa ya? (gak jelas.. ). Lalu palu reflex aku beli yang segitiga yang mereknya General Care. Trus spatel tongue mereknya juga gak jelas.
Udah.. segitu aja. Buat para dokter-dokter yang mampir kemari dan udah berpengalaman nyoba berbagai macam alat dan merek, mohon komennya dong, trus kira-kira apa lagi yang minimal harus kita siap sedia. Yang lain silakan komen apa aja. Mo protes juga boleh…
Minggu, 24 April 2011
"Ethico Medico Legal bagi Mahasiswa Kedokteran"
Profesi dokter merupakan profesi yang paling sering berhadapan dengan realita. Untuk itu seorang dokter dituntut memiliki karakter yang teguh, memiliki empati, pandai berkomunikasi, dan menjunjung tinggi etika.
Beberapa hari lalu dalam kuliah saya mencatat dari kuliah dosen saya bahwa kompetensi dokter yang utama ialah: (1) Humanisme, (2) Profesionalisme, (3) Managerial, (4) Etik. Sedangkan Ilmu-Ilmu Kedokteran disebutkan merupakan kompetensi pendukung, bukan kompetensi utama. Sangat menarik memang, karena selama ini saya kira justru kebalikannya.
Mencetak karakter yang memenuhi empat kompetensi utama di atas tentu lebih sulit daripada mendidik para mahasiswa dengan ilmu kedokteran yang harus dikuasainya. Sayangnya lagi, sepertinya masih ada anggapan bahwa masalah etik merupakan seni yang bisa dipelajari sendiri sehingga belum ada keseriusan dari institusi penyelenggara pendidikan kedokteran dalam memberikan materi tentang etika kepada mahasiswa.
Di kedokteran walaupun sudah diberikan mata kuliah Etika Kedokteran, namun tidak ada kurikulum yang baku untuk mata kuliah tersebut, tidak seperti mata kuliah lainnya, tukas dosen saya – yang juga merupakan Wakil Ketua Majelis Komisi Etik Kedokteran Jawa Tengah.
Di FK Undip, kuliah tentang Etika disampaikan dua kali, yaitu di semester satu (Humaniora & BBDM) dan di semester akhir (Kepaniteraan Umum). Saya ingat dulu ketika baru masuk kuliah setiap mahasiswa diberi tugas untuk menyalin Sumpah Hipocrates dan seluruh buku Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia sampai habis. Dan ternyata benar-benar diperiksa dosen! Kesalahan-kesalahan menyalin sampai ada yang korupsi (memangkas beberapa Pasal karena kelelahan menyalin) benar-benar diperhatikan oleh dosen. Untung waktu itu tidak ikut-ikutan curang.
Di BBDM (Belajar Bertolak Dari Masalah), kami dihadapkan dengan satu contoh kasus dan diberi tugas untuk mendiskusikan segala aspek dalam kasus itu termasuk aspek etika. Bisa dibayangkan kita-kita dulu yang belum punya ilmu apa-apa tentang kedokteran harus berbicara panjang lebar tentang aspek etika penanganan suatu kasus. Tapi ini cukup bagus untuk proses pembelajaran. Bahkan pembahasan etika ini benar-benar menyeluruh, sampai dari segi agama (seluruh agama). Kami yang Islam mengajarkan kepada mahasiswa agama lain tentang perspektif agama kami, begitu juga sebaliknya.
Motivasi mahasiswa masuk kedokteran tentu beraneka ragam – mulai dari ketertarikan akan bidang keilmuannya, dorongan diri untuk mengabdi, sampai ingin menjadi sukses dan kaya atau karena dipaksa orang tua. Pengenalan terhadap etika kedokteran secara dini di semester pertama (diharapkan) mempengaruhi motivasi mahasiswa dalam menuntut ilmu di kampus.
Di kepaniteraan umum (semester akhir) materi yang disampaikan pun lebih mendalam, dipadu dengan contoh-contoh kasus, misalnya jika sedang berhadapan dengan pasien stadium terminale berikut keluarganya. Bagaimana kita bersikap, menjelaskan keadaan pasien kepada keluarganya, memberikan keputusan medis dan etik, dan sebagainya. Karena sudah menerima materi-materi kedokteran lainnya, tentu daya tangkap kami berbeda dengan sewaktu di semester satu.
Di era berlakunya Undang-Undang Praktik Kedokteran, mahasiswa kedokteran perlu diberi tambahan bekal lagi. Penguasaan norma-norma hukum, terutama yang berkaitan dengan kedokteran dan kesehatan harus menjadi kompetensi tersendiri bagi para dokter. Jangan sampai dokter-dokter lulusan baru tersandung masalah hukum karena ketidaktahuan, atau bahkan diperas dan diancam karena dituduh melakukan malpraktik padahal belum tentu sebenarnya ia bisa dijerat dengan hukum.
Memang banyak sekali (praktisi medis) yang mengakui bahwa UU Nomor 29 Tahun 2004 tentang Praktik Kedokteran ini masih banyak kejanggalannya. Di antaranya kesalahan pelanggaran administrasi dijerat dengan hukuman pidana, serta aturan-aturan lain yang terkesan membelenggu praktik kedokteran. Namun biarlah selagi PB IDI berusaha untuk merekomendasikan amandemen atau setidaknya judicial review terhadap UU tersebut (hasil rekomendasi Muktamar IDI ke-26 Desember 2006 di Semarang), para dokter tetap menjaga profesionalitas mereka di bawah payung hukum ini, dan mahasiswa diberi bekal dan pemahaman yang cukup.
Mengingat kurangnya pemberian materi-materi ini dalam sistem perkuliahan, perlu dilakukan seminar-seminar atau diskusi rutin mengenai hal ini. Seperti misalnya Public Discussion tentang Malpraktik yang saya singgung dalam posting saya yang berikut ini (klik untuk melihat posting) atau Seminar Menjawab Tantangan Dokter Masa Depan yang baru dilakukan oleh BEM Kedokteran Umum Undip Minggu (18/3) kemarin. Dan yang lebih penting tentunya, mahasiswa dituntut untuk turut berpartisipasi mengikutinya.
Minggu, 10 April 2011
I never think that all things should be said literally, that's why others are struggling so hard to catch my point until they are too tired and giving up on me, I am complicated, yes. Very often, I won't say a thing regarding this kind of thing and I want others to guess and realize by themselves. I mean, when you tell them what the problem realli is, they are not 'REALIZE' it, they are just 'LISTEN TO' it and 'ADMIT' that they are wrong or even 'DENY' that the fault is on their shoulders. And, every time something seems going wrong, I really hate to be tortured by a basket full of questions. Why don't they start to look deeper and realize, not just force me to speak out.
Okay, I know, what I think is definitely not 100% right. Sometimes, it's just me who is so narrow-minded and long-winded. But, what else can I do? This is me, and I can't help changing my abstractness. I am so sorry.
These days, accidentally, I think about to learn to be a real girl. Yes, a real girl. I want to learn how to cook, I want to learn ow to put mascara on my eyes, I want to learn how to walk properly on heels, I want to be more ladylike, I want this, and I want that. Yes, you know, I am not the one that is very girlie or something.
I just happened to be born as a girl, but I know nothing about the girls' stuffs. I never know about eye shadow, blush on, waterproof mascara, or even lipstick. I have none of them! I never apply foundation, I never do anything to my face except moisturizer and baby powder. Haha. And for special occasion, I become so lost about what to apply and do. LOL.
Then, I definitely cannot cook. Even for cooking a scrambled egg, I think I will be struggling. Haha. What I can do are only cutting fruits and some other things, boil water and make coffee, tea, or milk, and put something into a microwave. So lame, yeah I know, but what else can I do? This is me. That's why I have a will to learn how to cook.
My friend says, this is a syndrome that attacks every attached girl. But, is it so? I mean, what is inside the relationship that lead you to a thought of trying to be a real girl?
Definitely, this is the thing I will do in several hours. My home will be in a reachable distance and I will end my recess there. Yeah, it's only for three days and it won't be enough, but it's a blessing that I can go back home in the middle of this stressful life.
So many things are waiting for me there: gado-gado, mango, Choky Sitohang (he waits for me? Of course, syalalala), and of course, LOVE.
I can't say longer since I just want to feel it right now.
Holiday, I am coming! =)
And you know, now I am crazy about HANDBAGS! Yes, handbags! I have fallen in love with one on Tangs since one month ago, and it's Guess. I didn't buy it back then because I never spent such a big amount of money before (it's S$ 159, Guys!!!) so I got back and asked my mum's permission. She said yes, of course. She knew that her daughter wanted to climb on the fashion staircase to a higher level. Haha. I was soooo happy and longing to go there and grab the bag. But, my crazy life didn't allow me. I kept myself in the stack of works, even on weekend. So, I just had time on this recess week.
Guess what, when I got back to Tangs several days ago, the Guess had disappeared! Oh no! I knew it was an old stock and I couldn't find it in any Guess boutique, so I gave up on it.
As a replacement, I bought one black handbag from Charles&Keith. After that, I went to Esprit to see a white bag I like, and I accidentally fell in love with another Esprit black handbag. It's not leather, instead it's parachute kind of thing. And really, I wanted that also! Why did I go to C&K first instead of Esprit? Oh My!
And I just bought a pair of heels. It's black, it's high, and it's nice! I love it very much!
Hey, you! Never ever think that you are the best person in this world! You said you wanted to step back just because you thought someone would lose against you. Hey, what an arrogant person you are!
I never believe such a person does exist on this world. So overconfident, so arrogant, so, so, so...
Really, I don't understand what on earth are in your mind now. At one time you are so sweet and nice and cheerful, and at another time you are so sad and desperate and annoying. You drives me crazy all the way. I am so lost in the middle of my guess about your thought.
When I see your face with that sadness, I feel like I am the one who causes the expression to come out and I'm stressed!!!
October is coming and it means exam is approaching. Yeah, I feel I haven't got anything from the classes I attend everyday. I think I must be more hardworking after this term break.^^.
Actually, October is the 8th month of the Roman calendar. That's why it's called October, from octo, which means eight. January and February were added in the Gregorian time but October retained its name as the eight.
It's so wonderful how people created things, huh?
Hope a happy October for everyone!^^
U're the best I've ever had
I never think that all things should be said literally, that's why others are struggling so hard to catch my point until they are too tired and giving up on me, I am complicated, yes. Very often, I won't say a thing regarding this kind of thing and I want others to guess and realize by themselves. I mean, when you tell them what the problem realli is, they are not 'REALIZE' it, they are just 'LISTEN TO' it and 'ADMIT' that they are wrong or even 'DENY' that the fault is on their shoulders. And, every time something seems going wrong, I really hate to be tortured by a basket full of questions. Why don't they start to look deeper and realize, not just force me to speak out.
Okay, I know, what I think is definitely not 100% right. Sometimes, it's just me who is so narrow-minded and long-winded. But, what else can I do? This is me, and I can't help changing my abstractness. I am so sorry.
These days, accidentally, I think about to learn to be a real girl. Yes, a real girl. I want to learn how to cook, I want to learn ow to put mascara on my eyes, I want to learn how to walk properly on heels, I want to be more ladylike, I want this, and I want that. Yes, you know, I am not the one that is very girlie or something.
I just happened to be born as a girl, but I know nothing about the girls' stuffs. I never know about eye shadow, blush on, waterproof mascara, or even lipstick. I have none of them! I never apply foundation, I never do anything to my face except moisturizer and baby powder. Haha. And for special occasion, I become so lost about what to apply and do. LOL.
Then, I definitely cannot cook. Even for cooking a scrambled egg, I think I will be struggling. Haha. What I can do are only cutting fruits and some other things, boil water and make coffee, tea, or milk, and put something into a microwave. So lame, yeah I know, but what else can I do? This is me. That's why I have a will to learn how to cook.
My friend says, this is a syndrome that attacks every attached girl. But, is it so? I mean, what is inside the relationship that lead you to a thought of trying to be a real girl?
Definitely, this is the thing I will do in several hours. My home will be in a reachable distance and I will end my recess there. Yeah, it's only for three days and it won't be enough, but it's a blessing that I can go back home in the middle of this stressful life.
So many things are waiting for me there: gado-gado, mango, Choky Sitohang (he waits for me? Of course, syalalala), and of course, LOVE.
I can't say longer since I just want to feel it right now.
Holiday, I am coming! =)
And you know, now I am crazy about HANDBAGS! Yes, handbags! I have fallen in love with one on Tangs since one month ago, and it's Guess. I didn't buy it back then because I never spent such a big amount of money before (it's S$ 159, Guys!!!) so I got back and asked my mum's permission. She said yes, of course. She knew that her daughter wanted to climb on the fashion staircase to a higher level. Haha. I was soooo happy and longing to go there and grab the bag. But, my crazy life didn't allow me. I kept myself in the stack of works, even on weekend. So, I just had time on this recess week.
Guess what, when I got back to Tangs several days ago, the Guess had disappeared! Oh no! I knew it was an old stock and I couldn't find it in any Guess boutique, so I gave up on it.
As a replacement, I bought one black handbag from Charles&Keith. After that, I went to Esprit to see a white bag I like, and I accidentally fell in love with another Esprit black handbag. It's not leather, instead it's parachute kind of thing. And really, I wanted that also! Why did I go to C&K first instead of Esprit? Oh My!
And I just bought a pair of heels. It's black, it's high, and it's nice! I love it very much!
Hey, you! Never ever think that you are the best person in this world! You said you wanted to step back just because you thought someone would lose against you. Hey, what an arrogant person you are!
I never believe such a person does exist on this world. So overconfident, so arrogant, so, so, so...
Really, I don't understand what on earth are in your mind now. At one time you are so sweet and nice and cheerful, and at another time you are so sad and desperate and annoying. You drives me crazy all the way. I am so lost in the middle of my guess about your thought.
When I see your face with that sadness, I feel like I am the one who causes the expression to come out and I'm stressed!!!
October is coming and it means exam is approaching. Yeah, I feel I haven't got anything from the classes I attend everyday. I think I must be more hardworking after this term break.^^.
Actually, October is the 8th month of the Roman calendar. That's why it's called October, from octo, which means eight. January and February were added in the Gregorian time but October retained its name as the eight.
It's so wonderful how people created things, huh?
Hope a happy October for everyone!^^
U're the best I've ever had
I still have about 20 minutes before rushing to the school, so I decide to write this post to start my day. My brain has chosen a topic to write, but it will be a standard and short post due to the lack of time.
So, enjoy!
Is it so hard to understand a girl? I think the answer is yes, it is.
I am a girl, but I do think and admit that girls are much more complicated than boys. I don't know what on earth is inside girls' brains, but sure, it is different from boys'.
Boys are more to-the-point and firm, while girls are more abstract, long winded, and enyek-enyek *I don't know what the translation of this word, so I leave it as it is*
When a girl says "Nothing", it definitely means "Something".
When she says, "Leave me alone", you should translate it becomes "Don't go away"
When she asks you to listen to her problems, she doesn't need a helping hand. All she needs is just a pair of ears that wish to receive all of her grumbling.
If this is the case, how can a boy and a girl understand each other completely?
Then, I suggest, anyone, please create a girl-mind-translator so that there will be no more misunderstanding between girls and boys. Hahaha.
But, let's think, misunderstanding is an essential part of a human relationship for them to get to know each other better, right? Then, just let boys understand their girls step by step, by misunderstanding. LOL.
U're the best I've ever had
So, enjoy!
Is it so hard to understand a girl? I think the answer is yes, it is.
I am a girl, but I do think and admit that girls are much more complicated than boys. I don't know what on earth is inside girls' brains, but sure, it is different from boys'.
Boys are more to-the-point and firm, while girls are more abstract, long winded, and enyek-enyek *I don't know what the translation of this word, so I leave it as it is*
When a girl says "Nothing", it definitely means "Something".
When she says, "Leave me alone", you should translate it becomes "Don't go away"
When she asks you to listen to her problems, she doesn't need a helping hand. All she needs is just a pair of ears that wish to receive all of her grumbling.
If this is the case, how can a boy and a girl understand each other completely?
Then, I suggest, anyone, please create a girl-mind-translator so that there will be no more misunderstanding between girls and boys. Hahaha.
But, let's think, misunderstanding is an essential part of a human relationship for them to get to know each other better, right? Then, just let boys understand their girls step by step, by misunderstanding. LOL.
U're the best I've ever had
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